Videos, pictures and graphics related hardware and software (part 3)

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Picture It

(click image for info)
Picture It has over 6,000 different symbols that instructors and students can use.
Instructors use Picture It to add symbols and graphic art to course materials.

Students use Picture It when demonstrating their knowledge.
Getty Images

(click image for info)
Getty has high quality and diverse royalty-free images in a variety of collections, with relevant photography and illustrations for every project. The search engine is very easy to use.
Instructors frequently go to Getty to find images of topics they are discussing, or experiences they are explaining.

Students appreciate the addition of images in course materials and frequently use Getty themselves to demonstrate their knowledge.

(click image for info)
Fotoslate is a software that assist you in organizing and working with photos. It includes customizable templates for print sheets, albums, calendars, and greeting cards, simple brochures and scrapbooks, and contact sheets.
Fotoslate is a great tool for instructors who use a lot of photos in their class. It helps you organize your photos and create worksheets and presentations with the photos in it.

(click image for info)
ACDSee Pro Photo Manager allows you to view, process, edit, organize, catalog, publish, and archive your photo collections with precision and control. It includes organizing tools like customizable folders and categories, quick editing features, visual tagging and full color
Instructors can view, manage, edit, organize, catalog, publish, archive and share hundreds of thousands of photographs-all very easily. It eliminates the need to search for specific photos.

Students can use ACDSee to organize their projects, or look up photos that the instructor might have in the course file.

(click image for info)
SnagIt lets you capture, edit, and share exactly what you see on your screen
Instructors can use SnagIt for creating demonstrations, tutorials and multimedia lectures. Additionally, the instructor can add their SnagIt documents and add them to a course website so that students can access them in case something was missed in class.


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